

Graham Cooke

 “This manual is full of wisdom, truth, principles and values for growing up into all things in Christ. It is packed with practical guidelines that will empower people to study the prophetic in the context of being children of God learning to become mature in the Spirit.”

Simon Orton, Senior Pastor

“Mark has brought over thirty years of proven prophetic lifestyle together in an accessible and easy to read handbook. Like the author has, you will be inspired to pursue the marriage of belief and practice in pursuing this important spiritual gift.”

David Bacon, Vicar

“As an Anglican and still relatively new to the things of the Spirit, I came expecting to be challenged and to be scared! I was certainly challenged but Mark lived up to his word – it wasn’t scary or weird. The teaching was excellent, solidly biblical and delivered with challenge and humour. This course is for anyone who ‘eagerly desires’ the gift of prophecy.”

Helen Barret


“The course is well structured with the teaching sessions on the biblical foundations of prophecy and the opportunity to try out techniques in the practical workshops. It clearly involves a huge amount of commitment, time and prayer, not to mention a few air miles, on the part of the leaders!  I feel much more informed and equipped. Thank you”.

Diana Stievenard

I have had the privilege of teaching alongside Mark Iles on Schools for Prophecy. This manual is truly inspirational and an exceptionally valuable tool to aid anyone in their gift of prophecy. Together with Mark’s sense of humour and honesty, the depth, clarity, biblical truths and revelation encompassed therein makes this manual a joy and delight to read